Jelimals, ITC’s confectionery brand in the Jelly segment, had created a unique, child-friendly awareness song ‘Do the 5’ on how kids can prevent the spread of Covid-19, based on the guidelines recommended by WHO. As a natural progression to further enable support towards children’s welfare in the present context, the brand launched a campaign Jelimals Immunoz: Kid Me Not to understand kids’ perspective on the new normal world. From establishing empirical data on their perspective to an influencer supported discussion-led webinar on the findings, the campaign segues to introducing Jelimals Immunoz, the new name under which Jelimals’ range of products fortified with Vitamin C and Zinc will be available and culminates with mothers and their kids teaming up to dance to the tunes of Jelimals Immunoz’ s immunity support anthem.
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The four-phased campaign launched with a first-of-its-kind research conducted among 364 children, aged 8-12 years across Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore and Kolkata revealed that 94% children miss ‘Going to school’ and 95% miss ‘Meeting friends’ in person, making immunity support an ‘uncompromising imperative’ in the new normal world. If given a ‘Superpower’ 74% children would utilize it to ‘Save People (56%) & Find Cure (18%)’ from Covid-19 with concern for parents & family (38%) being foremost for the children. This followed by saving humanity including doctors, soldiers, friends, animals and testing individuals for the virus.
To discuss how adults can help make the transition towards Come-Back, fun and exciting for children, the brand hosted an exclusive webinar with experts, parents and kids Jelimals Immunoz – Kid Me Not. Supporting the initiative, influencers including Mother & Actor Sameera Reddy, Father & Celebrity Chef Kunal Kapur shared personal insights, instances and anecdotes on being a ‘playful friend to the kids’ and preparing ‘fun and tasty home-made food for kids that are alternatives to outside food’ while Aaryan Prajapati, represented and spoke on behalf of his peers and co-hosted the webinar with Artist & Anchor Karan Wahi.
As a brand that enjoys a loyal following amongst children, Jelimals’ unwavering commitment towards them has resulted in the brand shifting its portfolio offerings to Jelimals Immunoz- jellies fortified with 2 key nutrients Vitamin C & Zinc that help support the immune system amongst children. A serving of 2, great tasting jellies per day will ensure kids get 50% RDA of Vitamin C & 15% RDA of Zinc, both essential ingredients which help support the immune system.
The campaign will culminate with mothers and their children partaking in a fun rendition of immunity support dance anthem, developed by Jelimals Immunoz.
Speaking about the campaign, Mr. Anuj Rustagi, COO – Chocolate, Coffee, Confectionery & New Category Development – Foods, ITC Ltd, said, “It is our endeavour as children’s focussed brand to support the health of our kids with our products by giving them a daily dose of vitamin C & Zinc. And we are doing this in a “Jelimal’s way” – making this fun and engaging for both parents and kids much like our “Do the 5” video. We hope this move will make a small but meaningful difference in protecting our kids”.
Jelimals Immunoz will be available in 2 SKUs, 30 gms and 108 gms at respective price points of Rs 10 & Rs 50.
The packs will come loaded with benefits of fun fruit flavours, exciting toys, double layer packaging while the Rs 50 pack also comes with a zip lock pack. The product will be available pan-India across retail outlets, modern trade and e-commerce platforms.